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WordPress, web development & more
Journal - Kategorie:
Web Development
Introducing Web Sustainability Guidelines
Sustainability, at its core
Never Beeing Boring: How we built a better presentation app
Facebook is Pavlov, and we’re the dogs.
Wir brauchen ein nachhaltiges Internet
Your website doesn’t need to look exactly the same
What is sustainable web design?
Branch: A Sustainable Internet for All (Issue 1)
90% of data is crap
How to make people click ads
The death of true authenticity
Learn x in y minutes
90 percent of design is typography
Das Internet verbraucht mehr Strom als…
Death to Bullshit
Präsentation zu Style Guides von Andy Clarke mit Transkription ( Design Exchange Nottingham Januar 2017 )
WordCamp Nürnberg – ich war dabei.
Webkongress Erlangen 2016
Contract Killer & Internet Explorer 6
‚Hardboiled Web Design‘ von Andy Clarke
Designing Web Navigation